Kate & The Crocodiles, comprised of innovative keyboardist Craig Bidondo, sinuous trumpeter Gavin Bondy of Pink Martini, and cosmopolitan drummer Brent Follis, perform songs that combine musical influences as disparate as Bing Crosby and Leonard Cohen, Judy Garland and Allison Krauss, with the complex presentation of a well-blended cocktail. Kate’s original songwriting draws the listener in, much like that of Sarah Barilles and Sarah McLachlan.
Kate and the Crocodile’s most recent single, “Dear Alice” sounds like, “what would happen if, ‘Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’ hired Jane Monheit to sing a Joni Mitchell lyric.‘ “ You can hear it at www.kateandthecrocodiles.com
Classically trained lyric soprano Kate Morrison moved to Portland in 2013. She sings with noteworthy warmth, grace, wit, and intimacy. Kate, Gavin Bondy and Craig Bidondo formed the Crocodiles in 2014 and developed the band’s signature sound and distinctive repertoire.
“An evening with the crocodiles is like an evening spent with funny and talented good friends who happen to know a lot about music and random things about life.” (A quote by someone at a concert…one who is not any of our mothers).